When I found out that my niece, Morgan was expecting her first baby, I couldn't wait to start brainstorming on a baby blanket for her. I loved the design and simplicity of the Modern Baby Blanket from Mason-Dixon Knitting and wanted to do it again. For some reason, the last three blankets I have done have been completely void of the pastel baby colors. I find that you have a much more creatively finished product when your not bound by pink, blue, yellow and green (just yellow and green when you don't know the sex of the baby).
It's funny what gives you inspiration when it comes to colors. I had been sitting at my desk looking at my sharpie markers and suddenly I had it. This is one of my favorite color combinations and Morgan liked it also. Trying to find these colors, however was a chore. I was always finding three colors, but lacking the last one, or the color scheme didn't suit my taste.
Last week, I found this Paton's wool yarn in the perfect color combination. I immediately sent a picture to Morgan and she gave me the thumbs up. I immediately filled my basket with three balls each of the colors. What was even better, the yarn was on sale!!!!! The day couldn't have been any better. Now time to cast on and make another Moderne Baby Blanket for little baby Alexandria Lea, born January 7 at 11:17 p.m.
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